Photo Galleries

BEAUMARIS RSL ANZAC Commemmorative March/Parade 2024

General pics
Hobart Festival of Voices

June/July 2024
Chorus Oz

Sydney Opera House Concert Hall - Mahler 8
Emma Lippa

Emma's birthday
Spring Concert, B.T. Hall, O)ctober, 2022

16th October. Spring Concert - 3.00 p.m. at Brighton Town Hall. 52 Singers, full house, amazing soloists.

Small V.W. group singing with Patty Chaplin's Ukulele group at Mayflower on 24th November, 2022.
Christmas Carols in the community, Dec. 2021

Vocally Wild Music Director, Bill Miles and his son, Jamie.
Social - December 2021

End of Year Social, Dec. 2021
Italy 2015

Viva Melbourne (Vocally Wild) Italy 2015
Italy 2012

Vocally Wild Mahler Hall

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